What can we do?

In reflection of Scott Orel’s Sunday of preaching at Living Spring Church in Garden Grove, CA

This poetic interpretation below was rhymed and written in real time during the sermon.

In later reflection the artist (Adjoa) wrote this addendum:

The bending of a knee in the garden of Gethsemane,

The example of Christ washing His disciples feet.

The full range of emotion, that said “father take this cup from me”

But not my will but yours that I entreat.


July 12, 2015


It is God’s command to us,

an outpouring of love.

Serving another humbly,

going beyond and above.

We see in the story of Jesus

How He went outside of the norm.

To love and be present within others lives

Even when He was tired and worn.

A surf as high as twenty feet came up

To the boat that they were in.

But, Jesus asleep, let His confidence keep,

The waves and the wind below Him

Jesus was showing these fishermen

That He could command other gods.

And if the people feared the storms and not Him

Their worshipping would have been wrong.

Instead Jesus served His followers

He ate with them and washed their feet.

And Peter astonished, said

“No Lord, this role is not for ‘the elite’”.

But Jesus said, “Peter you must see

The servant is greater because

They humbly offer of themselves

Revealing unconditional love.

And in the garden of Gethsemane

Jesus prayed “Abba I’m in distress”

I know that this is my offering

but as the hour comes I can’t rest

And so He sweat blood from the agony

And prayed “Father please take this cup”

He longed for His disciples to pray with Him

As He let go and lived out love.

So what can we do? Pursue friendship!

Be intentional in service and care.

Pray for one another

And show each other why you are there.

– Adjoa Skinner

Scott Orel was our 2015 summer intern at Living Spring. We are grateful to him and Gavin Velez for their service and friendship. Blessings to them and their ministries as they continue to be awesome wherever they may end up.


For more on Adjoa and to hear her music go to: http://adjoaskinner.com

For personal music coaching (voice/ keys / guitar / flute / songwriting / overcoming stage fright) via skype or in person training email: adjoaskinner@gmail.com


Written in real time during the sermon of Rev. Bob Ramsey, from the relationship series at Living Spring Fellowship Church.



Conflict is addressed in multiple ways.

its not to be Aggressive or passive in approach,

That we might start off wagging our tongues

only to silence them with soap.


Do nothing out of selfish ambition

but rather value others above your need…

your need to be right, rather humble yourself

and be careful of the thoughts that you feed.


Feed yourself instead with truth that speaks

to forgive & rejoice always.

For resolution comes when we give thanks unto God

every second of all our days.


Difficulties come, every day

& with every hard thing that may arise.

Find joy in the growth, that stems from

the burden you that you first despised.


Let your gentleness be evident 

Playing the victim doesn’t work either 

So if your choices are be passive or aggressive

I beg of you brethren be neither.


Pilot your life knowing the Lord 

don’t put emphasis on being right.

Do not be anxious, but bring every request 

to your Lord whose love sheds a light.


A light on the issue, a light on your fears

Light brings peace when we’re vulnerable and scared.

And reveals that if we put into practice these principles

then in these situations we’ll be prepared.


Whatever is true, noble, right, 

admirable and pure.

When you find yourself in a difficult situation

stand upon what you know is sure.


Philippians 2:3-4, 4

“If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things.” – Phil 4:8


Written in real time during the sermon by Pastor John Rittenhouse “God Is Good” delivered at Living Spring Fellowship Church.

This is a creative interpretation of his message in poetry by worship leader Adjoa Skinner

Come join us Sundays at Living Spring Fellowship where Pastor John speaks and Adjoa leads worship!




On the rock we stand

not like the fool who builds on sand.


Believing truth instead of lies

before we believed things that we should despise.


Yet we see our brokenness makes His light shine

A disposal clay pot can hold something that is Divine.


Still we have trouble connecting the dots

from a good God to our great loss


But in order to have love, we must have choice

for love cannot force someone to listen to its voice.


Instead God made so many trees

So they would have choices and in love they’d then feel pleased.


To take of the fruit that would make them feel well

but instead took of the tree whose story would tell


A tale of greatest consequence

from mankind’s disobedience


And the Father looks on in dismay 

creation growing still, cause man didn’t listen to what He’d say


The tree of knowledge was not the tree of life

and now our pain’s so real that it cuts just like a knife.


Isn’t it enough already? Hasn’t His vengeance been served?

But our lives are not condemned, as if we get what we deserve.


We’re already living in a broken, fallen earth

This is why its said original sin causes us from birth.


But God mourns every time creation dies and shifts and hurts

God mourns every person who suffers before being put back in the earth.


Still God within His kindness sent His divinity to come here and live.

So that the blind will see and those who see become blind, for its the Holy Spirit that He would give 


through Christ, His life, death and resurrection, that we might see all things renewed

After the fall had happened… and justice had ensued.


A new heaven and earth where God is with us, and death will lose its sting.

For all creation shouts aloud, and all history will sing…


This is the relationship between God and the creation He made to look like Him

Although we know we are fallible, His goodness is greater than our sin.


(c) 2014 Adjoa Skinner

unauthorized duplication prohibited,

To share this poem please copy and share the link to this blog 


>>>> end <<<<<<


Come join us Sundays at Living Spring Fellowship where Pastor John speaks and Adjoa leads worship!




Scripture References:

Genesis 2:15-17 – “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for when you eat from it, you will certainly die”

Genesis 3:17 – “Cursed is the ground because of you”

Romans 8:19 – “Creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”

John 9 – The Story of the man who was born blind who Jesus healed…

Revelation 21:4-5 – “For the old order of things has passed away… He who was seated at the throne said, ‘I am making everything new’ “
